Where can I buy dance shoes and clothing?



Fuego – Incognito Dance are Official Ambassadors for Fuego in UK. 

Simply go to the link, choose your selection and insert INCOGNITO10 in discount code section to get 10% off all shoes and clothing



Rumpf Dance Wear – Incognito Dance are Official Ambassadors for Rumpf in UK. 






Then use discount code incognito20  at checkout to get 20% off any item. 



Larisa London (based in Wembley)

larisa salsa shoes






Incognito Dance also recommend shoes by Larisa London (based in Wembley)  – use discount code INCOGNITO10

Go to Larisa’s website choose your favourite items for both ladies and men, and quote INCOGNITO10 for a huge discount.



Too many choices, and you do not know where to start?

The great news is that there is so much choice nowadays for buying shoes specific for dancing, this could also be quite overwhelming, which style do you buy? what size heel? what colour? bla bla bla, etc.  It’s nice to have a choice, but sometimes it can be easily distracting and off-putting.   

If you knew to dance, or have been dancing for a long time and just want a good dance shoe, that is reliable, looks great and will support your dancing experience. We recommend for ladies going for the “Angela range”to start getting either black or tan colour, is a perfect addition to any wardrobe. 

Heel size?  This is very dependent on the individual and how comfortable they are the higher the shoe goes, we recommend starting at 70 mm (7cm), this will offer good stability. If you are used to wearing slightly higher heels and are a bit more experienced, maybe 80 mm (8cm) would suit you. Going 90 mm (9 cm) and above can be tricky if you’re not used to it. This all depends on what sort of shoes you are used to wearing.  

Jazz shoes are also fantastic, and a mission to any dancer. They are super comfortable and will give you a different experience to high heels. Next dances that can switch between jazz shoes and high heels, usually have a more rounded technique and can adjust to many types of dance floor environments. So if you ever going to buy shoes, we recommend pair of jazz shoes and a pair of Angela-style heeled shoes is a great start.

For the guys, we recommend shoes that are not too heavy and have a sticky grip like normal trainers. Some trainers have got smooth soles and these are fine. If you’re gonna choose dedicated dance shoes, these can be quite slippery, so depending on your style of dance. If you bought a pair of shoes and they are too slippery. You can always add a layer of new soles from any cobbler.  We recommend starting with jazz shoes  to start and go from there

Remember to use INCOGNITO10 code for get £10 off any shoe from Larisa Shoes London. 

Ultimately, want to pick shoes that are comfortable and reliable and won’t hurt your feet whilst dancing. 

Happy shopping. 









There are a few good shops in the Covent Garden Area:







Incognito Dance Company  teach Online Incognito.Dance 

as well as regularly at Wimbledon Salsa & Bachata Club, Fulham Salsa & Bachata Club

Putney Salsa & Bachata Club,Hammersmith Salsa & Bachata Club,Earl’s Court Salsa & Bachata Club



Call 07831 715 368 or email info@incognitodance.com